Angela Gilmour

Gilmour's interests and artistic practice surround the urgency of climate change, land consumption, sustainability and the political and environmental impact of land and sea borders.
Primarily a painter, Gilmour's work also includes drawing, print, photography and installation. She explores landscapes that have suffered trauma in recent or deep geological time.
Through a blend of site-specific investigation and scientific research, Gilmour’s paintings, drawings, large scale photography and etchings document the sublime beauty created by the entropic forces of nature on a variety of landscapes. Her installations interweave scientific equipment and objects of geological importance with detailed botanical drawings or screen printed technical diagrams and research data.
After spending over two decades within science and technological institutions as a qualified physicist, Gilmour has more recently worked as artist in residence collaborating with researchers in Biotech, Nanotech, Food & Farming; Earth & Environmental Sciences and Palaeontology. By combining disciplines, she has compiled a rich database of facts examining our understanding of nature.
By threading scientific research within her work Gilmour explores narratives that question our ability to balance progress with the preservation of the environment.
Gilmour's recent work is in response to experience on The Arctic Circle residency program, an art and science sailing expedition in 2019.
Currently Gilmour is conducting on-going field research and scientific investigations into fossilised and glacial forests as a method of communicating current topical events relating to the environmental crisis and human impacts on woodlands.